8th Grade Geometry: Transformations
8th Grade Geometry: Transformations. In the second geometry unit students will explore Transformations. Students will learn rigid motions for figures on coordinate planes as well as Dilations. Students will identify the coordinates of figures after single and multiple transformations.
This unit is a precursor to HS Geometry concepts. Prior to this unit, ensure that students have strong graphing skills and can accurately plot and label coordinate pairs in all four quadrants. This PDF is hyper linked with over 100 items. The pfd contains links to:
11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction
11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings
11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.
Google Slide Decks for each lesson
Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson
Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.
Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 1 Quiz and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.
8th Grade Geometry: Transformations. In the second geometry unit students will explore Transformations. Students will learn rigid motions for figures on coordinate planes as well as Dilations. Students will identify the coordinates of figures after single and multiple transformations.
This unit is a precursor to HS Geometry concepts. Prior to this unit, ensure that students have strong graphing skills and can accurately plot and label coordinate pairs in all four quadrants. This PDF is hyper linked with over 100 items. The pfd contains links to:
11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction
11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings
11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.
Google Slide Decks for each lesson
Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson
Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.
Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 1 Quiz and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.
8th Grade Geometry: Transformations. In the second geometry unit students will explore Transformations. Students will learn rigid motions for figures on coordinate planes as well as Dilations. Students will identify the coordinates of figures after single and multiple transformations.
This unit is a precursor to HS Geometry concepts. Prior to this unit, ensure that students have strong graphing skills and can accurately plot and label coordinate pairs in all four quadrants. This PDF is hyper linked with over 100 items. The pfd contains links to:
11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction
11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings
11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.
Google Slide Decks for each lesson
Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson
Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.
Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 1 Quiz and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.
Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations:
Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them.
Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures using coordinates.
Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations; given two similar two-dimensional figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the similarity between them.