8th Grade: Systems of Equations


8th Grade Systems of Equations Unit focuses on teaching students how to solve problems that involve finding the values of variables that satisfy multiple equations simultaneously. This unit is crucial for developing algebraic reasoning and problem-solving skills, and it lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in mathematics and science. Students begin with an understanding of what a system of equations is—two or more equations working together. They learn that the solution to a system of linear equations is the point(s) where the graphs of the equations intersect, representing the values that satisfy all equations in the system simultaneously. They will also learn the three different ways solve a system of equations. The unit emphasizes real-world applications, showing students how systems of equations are used to solve practical problems in areas such as business, engineering, and science. PDF is hyper linked with over 70 items. The pfd contains links to:

  • 11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction

  • 11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings

  • 11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.

  • Google Slide Decks for each lesson

  • Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson

  • Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.

Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 2 Quizzes and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.

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8th Grade Systems of Equations Unit focuses on teaching students how to solve problems that involve finding the values of variables that satisfy multiple equations simultaneously. This unit is crucial for developing algebraic reasoning and problem-solving skills, and it lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in mathematics and science. Students begin with an understanding of what a system of equations is—two or more equations working together. They learn that the solution to a system of linear equations is the point(s) where the graphs of the equations intersect, representing the values that satisfy all equations in the system simultaneously. They will also learn the three different ways solve a system of equations. The unit emphasizes real-world applications, showing students how systems of equations are used to solve practical problems in areas such as business, engineering, and science. PDF is hyper linked with over 70 items. The pfd contains links to:

  • 11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction

  • 11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings

  • 11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.

  • Google Slide Decks for each lesson

  • Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson

  • Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.

Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 2 Quizzes and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.

8th Grade Systems of Equations Unit focuses on teaching students how to solve problems that involve finding the values of variables that satisfy multiple equations simultaneously. This unit is crucial for developing algebraic reasoning and problem-solving skills, and it lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in mathematics and science. Students begin with an understanding of what a system of equations is—two or more equations working together. They learn that the solution to a system of linear equations is the point(s) where the graphs of the equations intersect, representing the values that satisfy all equations in the system simultaneously. They will also learn the three different ways solve a system of equations. The unit emphasizes real-world applications, showing students how systems of equations are used to solve practical problems in areas such as business, engineering, and science. PDF is hyper linked with over 70 items. The pfd contains links to:

  • 11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction

  • 11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings

  • 11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.

  • Google Slide Decks for each lesson

  • Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson

  • Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.

Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 2 Quizzes and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.

Give examples of linear equations in one variable with one solution, infinitely many solutions, or no solutions. Show which of these possibilities is the case by successively transforming the given equation into simpler forms, until an equivalent equation of the form 𝘹 = 𝘢, 𝘢 = 𝘢, or 𝘢 = 𝘣 results (where 𝘢 and 𝘣 are different numbers).

Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.

Analyze and solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations.

Understand that solutions to a system of two linear equations in two variables correspond to points of intersection of their graphs, because points of intersection satisfy both equations simultaneously.

Solve systems of two linear equations in two variables algebraically, and estimate solutions by graphing the equations. Solve simple cases by inspection. For example, 3𝘹 + 2𝘺 = 5 and 3𝘹 + 2𝘺 = 6 have no solution because 3𝘹 + 2𝘺 cannot simultaneously be 5 and 6.

Solve real-world and mathematical problems leading to two linear equations in two variables. For example, given coordinates for two pairs of points, determine whether the line through the first pair of points intersects the line through the second pair.