Alg I: Quadratics


PDF is hyper linked with over 60 items. The pdf contains links to:

  • 11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction

    11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings

    11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.

    Google Slide Decks for each lesson

    Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson

    Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.

Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 1 Quiz and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.

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PDF is hyper linked with over 60 items. The pdf contains links to:

  • 11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction

    11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings

    11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.

    Google Slide Decks for each lesson

    Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson

    Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.

Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 1 Quiz and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.

PDF is hyper linked with over 60 items. The pdf contains links to:

  • 11 Printable Student Handout with QR code for video instruction

    11 Printable Daily Assessment: Mid-Lesson Assessment to check for understanding and/or differentiated flexible groupings

    11 Instructional Video Link: Includes Teacher Model and Guided Practice.

    Google Slide Decks for each lesson

    Teacher Notes and Answer Key for each lesson

    Formative Link: e-Copy of the Student Materials on GoFormative.

Also provided is a complete unit overview, a PreTest, PostTest, 1 Quiz and Student Reflections for each assessment. Answer Keys also added on GoFormative for instant data and student feedback. 30 Day free trial of GoFormative.

Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with exponential functions.

Solve quadratic equations by:
I) inspection, know that the solutions would include 7 and -7. 
II) taking square roots 
III) factoring 
IV) completing the square 
V) the quadratic formula 
VI) graphing
Recognize when the process yields no real solutions.

For a quadratic function, use an algebraic process to find zeros, maxima, minima, and symmetry of the graph, and interpret these in terms of context.

Graph linear, quadratic, and exponential functions and show key features.